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Musings on the Muse - The Declaration

Dearest reader,

This blog is, ostensibly, an attempt to better engage with my fans and to give folks a clearer picture of what it is that makes me tick. Behind that more pragmatic mission statement, it is simply another creative outlet whose time has come. It's an attempt to give some form to my incessant daydreaming, lateral thinking and spiritual yearning. Hence, the title 'Musings on the Muse.' 

While the focal point will always be music, it will take many shapes according to my inspiration of the day. Expect things like psychological and metaphysical explorations, the theory, craft and practice of songwriting and performance, the production of recorded music, dissertations on the many artists that I admire, reviews of releases from the famous and not so much, photographs and video and possibly a Spotify playlist or two.

I've always loved to write. This seems like to perfect platform to begin crystalizing my thoughts and presenting them to the world. It will be an honor to share them with you.

Much love,

~ Cosmos Sunshine